
week 10 : Wrap up

Hello everyone : this is the last week , we have learned many thing like :we had to compare two models about technology integration in your class .One from State of Washington and other from University of Southern Florida these matrixes were very interesting and uselful. We had to write some advices to future participants in this course . The topics in this course were very interesting and important , we had the opportunity to learn about the blog and create our own blog then we learned about the ABCD model this model it was new for me . I was surprised with the great amount of web searches that we find in this course.I liked the website delicious where you could add some links. the lesson plans using the technology it was great .......also we had to create a webquest and rubrics this experience was very good for me .The point power was nice and interesting information . this topic about learner autonomy was interesting and important in the course,other aspect very good was the teacher resources on line we could find many information about this point.Then the learning styles and finally the technology integration in last week . definitely, this course has changed my life and I have other form to think I will use all the tools that I have learned in this course for my students and put them in practice every day. I would like to thank to my tutor Mr.ROBERT ELLIOT for his patience, help, and your efforts to get this goal.Also the University of Oregon for give me this great opportunity in the life to study this course , I would like to continue with other course to improve my skills and capacities as a teacher and finally ,I would like to thank to good for all things that I learned this year and my all classmates desire good year and I hope that we will find very soon. best regards, julio uribe


week 9: Learning styles -technology connections

Hello everyone : we have arrived at the end the course , this week was very busy and interesting we have learned many things like : this week , we have learned about learning styles and multiple intelligences according to howard Gardner he mentions seven intelligences 1983 but then he has added two or three new intelligences. he created his project titled MULTIPLE Intelligences after twenty years. also we have read interesting articles about learning styles and strategies, here we can see important information from Richard M. Felder and Barbara A. Soloman. other aspect very important was the relation between technology and multiple intelligences and their tools. the final project report it was an interesting and important work in this course .We had many things for to do this week. best regards, julio uribe



HELLO EVERYONE : Last week , WE did many things , I learned many tools and make exercises on line and off line that we can use in ,Create a Nice class,class blog,class survery ,class wiki I had the opportunity to check some tools for educators ,Easy test maker, hot potatoes,crossword.....etc I am very impressive the amount the website and tools that we can use with our students. I also saw the free course ANVILL it is very interesting and nice .this week was very hard for us because we had to do our Project report or plan report and make the checklist of our partner .I learned many things how to do a project report .I think this course will be very important in my life and I will change some aspects of teaching .I had the opportunity to see the project report about HACER SIVIL I think it is very good project I can see your work in this project and the experience that my colleague has .this project is well structured and follow the steps of the template. best regards, julio



HELLO EVERYONE : This week was very interesting and uselful for us , we have read interesting articles about learner autonomy and one computer classroom . we have many important authors about it like david little he speaks about the definition learner autonomy , implications, the relation between learner autonomy and ELT.we could see three basic pedagogical principles. we have the opportunity to check the website about http://edutechwiki.uni.ch/en/ learner_autonomy. we also had read some internet ideas from Susangaer.com,strategies and applications for the one computer classroometc. we continue implementing our Project for this week. I was reading the blog from RIYAZ SHANSAN. this blog is very interesting and we can see important aspects that we did las week .I can learner many things about my colleagues and share their ideas and experinces as teachers. best regards, julio uribe


week 6 : Creating student -centered classes and interactive Power Point

HELLO EVERYONE : Last week , It was an interesting and exciting week because we can get important information about two interesting point like large classes and power point. 1.-we learned to use the technology in teaching large classes ,some techniques and strategies too .The articles about RICK FINNAN AND DONNA SHAW was very interesting and usel for us .Other aspect very important was the interactive lectures summaries of 36 format it was very interesting and its contain very usel.I found websites like http://serc.carleton.edu very good website.the articles about BEATING THE NUMBER GAME by RICHARD M. FELDER. too interesting. 2.-with relation to Power Points we can find interesting articles like " best practices in presenting with power point. how to create interactive quiz using Powerpoint Masters, quiz game etc.I like the interactive power point by Deborah Healey very good and interesting techniques. 3.- In the additional resources we can find top ten slide tips, power points presentations for teacher and students, hate power point ? very good articles well,I was reading the blog from my colleague HACERSIVIL It was very blog and interesting very good structured and good summary of the contents .in the blog we can see videos I think is very nice and atractive for our students, go ahead hacersivil.... I would to share this information with my colleagues. best regards, julio uribe


project task . begin to implement the change

Hello everyone: this week was very interesting and important , here we can continue with the implementation our project . 1.-all teachers without exception will receive training about the use of technology ( webquest, rubrics, blogs, power point, ....etc. 2.-to make a pilot program where the teacher should observate all classes and verify that all teachers use the technology in your lesson plans. 3.-all materials should use the technology in their in large / small classes 4.-all teacher should use new methods, techniques, strategies for teaching in their clases . 5.-to create a monitory per each term and give some suggestions and advice about your role as a teacher. 6.- to do frecuently training for teachers in different fields. best regards, julio uribe


week 5: comments

hello everyone: I was reading some blogs from my colleagues and I think they are very interesting and usel information about week 5 for example is the blog from luis his blogs is very good and has many usel information he speaks about different theme that we did in last week. there is some summary very important . good luck ....... best regards, julio